African Butterfly Fish


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Mainly found in large calm bodies of water in western Africa, gliding across the water near the surface, this unique fish is known as the African Butterfly Fish—Pantodon buchholzi. At first glance, you might find yourself pondering, “Hmm, that looks somewhat like a peculiar Arowana.” Well, you’re not far from the mark if you thought so! This captivating fish indeed bears a striking resemblance to a dwarf or compact version of an Arowana, and there’s a
fascinating reason behind this resemblance – they are distant relatives within the same taxonomic order: Osteoglossiformes. Aside from the beautifully patterned fins that look like butterfly wings (hence the name) their physical similarities are met with the fact that these fish also share intriguing  behavioral traits as well with the Arowanas!

One of the coolest things about the African Butterfly Fish is that it actually has the ability to not only leap out of the water, but it can actually glide through the air for a short distance with their big prominent side fins. Like the arowana, this fish has an upward angled mouth that is made for not only snatching insects and small fish at the top of the water, but insects flying in the air as well! Surprisingly in my experience, they weren’t very jumpy even when I would go in the tank for maintenance. Most of the jumping, aside from hunting, only happened when something swam at them from below. I remember in my early 20’s when I would change the water in the tank that housed my African Butterfly Fish, I would use the low water level as an opportunity to feed them some of my gecko’s crickets. In
pursuit of crickets, they would leap into action, sometimes even covering considerable
distances across the tank, darting after the crickets among protruding driftwood, along the water’s surface, and amid
floating plants. Undoubtedly, this fish is a skilled predator, devouring anything that fits into its voracious mouth. However, its
preferred delicacies include spiders,
crickets, and any other insects that
venture across the water’s surface. In an aquarium, they readily accept most
prepared foods including floating pellets, freeze dried and live insects and even flakes.

With the capacity to reach up to 5 inches in length and a lifespan of 5 to 6 years, it’s no wonder that the African Butterfly Fish has gained popularity among hobbyists, especially those who lack the space to house a tank for Arowanas. Ideally in my opinion, these fish should be kept in a minimum 40-gallon breeder tank, as they predominantly reside near the water’s surface and require more horizontal space than vertical. They thrive in aquariums with slow or low water flow and are particularly fond of tall, floating plants. Additionally, they need an ample open-top area to access the water’s surface with ease, thanks to their ability to breathe air.

When selecting tankmates for the African
Butterfly Fish, it’s essential to exercise caution. Given their predatory nature, a general rule of thumb is to avoid keeping any fish that can fit into their mouths.
Furthermore, it’s advisable to refrain from housing them with other species that favor the upper water layers, as territorial and aggressive tendencies may surface. Personally, I’ve had success keeping them in the company of mostly bottom dwellers such as Ropefish, various corydoras, Geophagus and in tanks teeming with plecos. I’ve also had luck keeping them with schools of medium sized tetra.

In conclusion, the African Butterfly Fish is a
captivating and unique addition to a proper aquarium. Its resemblance to the Arowana,
coupled with its remarkable airborne maneuvers and intriguing hunting habits, make it a standout species for many aquarium enthusiasts.
However, it’s essential to provide them with the appropriate tank conditions and choose their tankmates wisely to ensure their well-being and harmonious cohabitation. Whether you’re a
seasoned aquarist or a young/new fish
enthusiast, I believe the African Butterfly Fish promises a captivating journey into the world of aquatic wonder.


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