
**it’s important to note that all parts of the plant are toxic to pets, but not fish**

The Swiss cheese plant, also known as Monstera adansonii, is a tropical plant with large, heart-shaped leaves that develop holes as it grows older. It resembles Swiss cheese. It is typically grown as an indoor plant and has a fast growth rate. It can be kept at a manageable size when grown in a container indoors.

The Swiss cheese plant loves to climb, using aerial roots that grow downward from the stem to brace against the ground or any available support. When grown indoors, you can simulate this by inserting a stake in its pot. Regular watering and feeding are necessary for its care, and occasional pruning may be required to maintain the desired size.

The plant prefers bright and indirect sunlight, as too much direct sun can burn its foliage. If exposed to direct sunlight, limit it to two or three hours in the morning. It thrives in peat-based potting mix with a soil pH between 5.5 and 7.

Swiss cheese plants like to be consistently moist but not soaked. Water when the top inch of soil feels nearly dry. High humidity and warm temperatures are ideal for the plant’s growth. Maintaining a humidity level above 50 percent and placing it in a warm, well-lit area, such as a bathroom, can help. Misting the plant or using a humidifier can increase humidity if needed.

If the Swiss cheese plant outgrows your space, pruning can be done in the spring. Use sterile pruning shears to cut back stems by no more than 25 percent, right above a leaf node. Additionally, remove any dead or damaged leaves as necessary.